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Thank you to everyone who has participated as a node provider in the Saturn network. On June 1, 2024, we transitioned our focus as a team to enhance fast storage and retrievals for Filecoin.
Filecoin Saturn is the premier native Web3 CDN, focusing on the rapid acceleration of content-addressed data on IPFS and Filecoin. Thanks to Saturn, websites and decentralized applications can efficiently serve billions of users. A standout feature of this accelerated data is its verifiability, ensuring heightened security for users.
The speed and efficiency of Saturn is attributed to its dense, expansive network of trustless and permissionless nodes. This density, combined with the permissionless nature of the network, ensures users are always in proximity to a node, resulting in lightning-fast data retrievals and minimal latency. Driven by crypto-incentives, these nodes consistently deliver traffic with optimal performance. Ultimately, dApps receive content more swiftly at a lowered cost, while node operators are rewarded in cryptocurrency.
Speed up your decentralized applications on IPFS and Filecoin with Filecoin Saturn. The next generation Web3 CDN.
Easy to get started. Try out today without any cost.
A step-by-step guide will assist you with the integration process.
Ready to speed up your content-addressable data retrievals.
Our pricing options are designed to suit your evolving needs, offering you complete flexibility to start with minimal commitment and providing predictable bundles as your business expands.
Launch publicly; anyone can run a Saturn L1 node.
Scale the L1 network. Achieve sub-second TTFB for IPFS content globally.
Open beta test for Saturn customers.
Saturn node operators receive payouts via FVM smart contract.
Saturn L1 nodes cache miss directly to Filecoin Storage Providers and IPFS.
Launch the Saturn Explorer, a geospatial visualization of the Saturn network.
Launch the Saturn Customer Portal for customers to integrate and accelerate their content with Saturn.
Private Beta for Websites. Interested? Sign upĀ here!
*Roadmap is tentative and subject to change
Curious about Saturn? Whether you're a potential customer, node provider, or have any questions, we invite you to join our vibrant community and be a part of the conversation!